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Michi Strausfeld
Michi Strausfeld
Author & Literary Scout

Michi Strausfeld studied English, Romance and Hispanic studies and received her doctorate in 1976 with a dissertation on "The new novel of Latin America and Gabriel García Márquez." From 1974 to 2008, she was responsible for the Spanish-Latin American publishing program of Suhrkamp Verlag where more than 350 titles from Ibero-America were published. In 2008, she changed to S. Fischer Verlag, establishing a new program. She edited several volumes of materials and numerous anthologies. She also edited seven volumes for the journal “Die Horen”.  At the 2012 Buenos Aires Book Fair, she was included in the list of the 50 most important contemporary editors of Spanish-language books.

Michi Strausfeld is a member of the German PEN Centre and lives in Berlin and Barcelona.


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