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Dag O. Hessen
Dag O. Hessen

Dag Olav Hessen (1956) is a professor of Biology at the University of Oslo. He is an important voice in debates on evolution, climate, ecology, and the importance of biology for understanding humanity. Hessen has received a number of prizes for his popular science teaching; in 2020 he received the Brage Honorary Prize for his writing and the Brageprisen in the 'Best Non-Fiction' category for Verden på vippepunktet (The World on the Brink) published by Res Publica forlag. His latest book has been published by Cappelen Damm in the autumn of 2021: Liv. Historien om universets mest spektakulære oppfinnelse (Life. The Story of the Universe's Most Spectacular Invention).

Photo: Anne Valeur

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