Angelika Schmidt works as a freelance playwright and translator and co-founded the multilingual theatre collective “Glossy Pain”.
Following her bachelor's degree in French and Italian language, literature and media studies in Freiburg, Strasbourg, and Bologna, she completed the trinational MA programme in European Film and Media Studies at the Franco-German University in Lyon, Weimar, and Utrecht.
This was followed by work for the German Foreign Office and the EU Commission/Creative Europe, among others. After a subsequent three-year permanent engagement as a playwright at the “Schaubühne Berlin”, she has since worked as a freelancer on various projects. In her theatre work, dramaturgical and translational processes converge, reflecting her interests in multilingualism on stage as well as in collective and experimental approaches to translation.
Translation project: Disgrâce, Nadia Girard Eddahia, L'Instant Même, 2022