Marion Maurin, born and raised in Paris, holds an MA in philosophy from Freie Universität Berlin. Since 2017, she has been a PhD student at the Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School for Literary Studies (FU Berlin).
The focus of her dissertation lies on questions of translation both as a craft and in terms of its effect on text and language. Marion is particularly interested in poetic and essayistic prose, theatre, and experimental poetry; she is a member of the “Versatorium - Association for Poetry and Translation” and the “European Laboratory - Free Cultural Institution”. Together with Antonin Wiser, she has published two translations: Amorbach et autres fragments autobiographiques by Theodor W. Adorno (Allia 2016) and Karl Kraus by Walter Benjamin (Allia 2018).
Translation project: Der Fink. Einführung in das Federlesen, Peter Waterhouse, Matthes & Seitz, 2016.