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Portrait Danny Beuerbach
© FBM / Adam Burakowski
Danny Beuerbach

A quick Internet search for Danny Beuerbach turns up many articles on the surprising fact that he cuts children's hair professionally for free, but he has one condition: they have to read to him while he does it.

This unusual initiative makes him probably the first and only hairdresser in the world who is seriously committed to promoting reading through his profession. He’s also the main character in a Ravensburg children's book! Since his training in 2003, he has worked in renowned salons worldwide and as a guest hairdresser for photo shoots, magazines and fashion shows. Since 2013, he has been living in Munich, where he currently works as a hairdresser and is booked for various #readingaloud hairdressing events, where he teaches children and their parents the joy of reading (out loud).

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