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Every year we organise book collections on topical issues that are attracting attention across national borders, and share information about German cultural and literary events. You can find those collections here and at the collective stands that we run at around 20 international book fairs each year. If you’d like to present a collection at your institution or event, please just get in touch.

Our Collections

Fahrrad Bike
Leading the Pack — A Collection of German Books About Cycling
Whether it’s thanks to changes in environmental awareness, increased energy costs or simply the joy of moving...
Titelbild CBOT 2023
Children's Books on Tour 2023 - Spring Collection
is a thematic showcase of current children’s and young adult literature from Germany. The tour stops at book...
DAM Architectural Book Award 2022
The Frankfurt Book Fair and the Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) are presenting the jointly initiated...
NBG Logo
New Books in German Autumn 2022
New Books in German promotes German-language literature for translation into English. We feature...
Longlist German Book Prize-2022
German Book Prize 2022 Longlist #dbp22
“The great questions of our time are reverberating in contemporary German language literature: questions about...
Stiftung Buchkunst 2022
The Best German Book Design 2022
stiftung buchkunst awards the best german book design of a year, offers a platform for rethinking the medium...
Children's Books on Tour 2022 - Autumn Collection
Children's Books on Tour: Rights list of German publishers 2022 autumn collection German children’s and young...
Deutscher Sachbuchpreis 2022
German Non-Fiction Prize 2022
The German Non-Fiction Prize is awarded to an outstanding non-fiction book written in German that inspires...
NBG Logo
New Books in German Spring 2022
New Books in German promotes German-language literature for translation into English. We feature...


If you have any further questions, please give us a call or drop us a line. We will be happy to help you.

Portrait Niki Theron

Niki Théron

Senior Project Manager

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